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North Macedonia – 84th Country Visited

Planning for North Macedonia:

Skopje is the capital and largest city of North Macedonia, located in the heart of the Balkan Peninsula. The city is home to numerous historical landmarks, including the iconic Stone Bridge, the Skopje Fortress, and the Old Bazaar, which is one of the largest and oldest bazaars in the Balkans.

Reaching North Macedonia:

I reached Skopje, capital of North Macedonia by Bus from Sophia, Bulgaria. I paid 26€ on to purchase this ticket. After touring Skopje, I left for Kosovo and then returned to Skopje. From Skopje, I travelled to Ohrid in a bus by purchasing a ticket at Skopje Bus station for 890.0 Macedonian Denar.

Accommodation in North Macedonia: 

I stayed at Accommodation Mell for one night by paying 39$, which I reserved through Basically, this was an apartment that was rented out for one day to me.

Boots on the Ground:


1.Skopje Fortress (Kale): Explore the ancient Skopje Fortress, located on the highest point of the city. Enjoy panoramic views of Skopje and the Vardar River while discovering the fortress’s rich history.

2. Macedonia Square: Visit the central square of Skopje, known as Macedonia Square. Admire the grand statue of Alexander the Great, the iconic Fountain of the Warrior on a Horse, and the impressive Macedonian Archaeological Museum.

3. Old Bazaar (Stara Charshija): Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of the Old Bazaar, one of the oldest and largest bazaars in the Balkans. Wander through its narrow streets, browse traditional shops, and savor local cuisine in its charming restaurants.

4. Stone Bridge: Cross the famous Stone Bridge, a symbol of Skopje, which connects the old and new parts of the city. Enjoy a leisurely stroll along the Vardar River and take in the picturesque views of the cityscape.

5. Mother Teresa Memorial House: Pay homage to the Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Mother Teresa, at her memorial house. Learn about her life and humanitarian work in this beautifully preserved museum.

6. Skopje City Park: Escape the bustling city and relax in Skopje City Park. Enjoy the greenery, walk along the paths, and visit the City Zoo, which houses a variety of animals.

7. Millennium Cross: Take a short trip to the Millennium Cross, located on the summit of Mount Vodno. Enjoy breathtaking views of Skopje and the surrounding landscapes from this iconic landmark.

8. Museum of Contemporary Art: Explore the Museum of Contemporary Art, showcasing a diverse collection of modern and contemporary artworks by local and international artists.

9. Skopje Aqueduct: Discover the remnants of the ancient Skopje Aqueduct, an impressive architectural marvel that once supplied water to the city. Marvel at the remaining arches and learn about its historical significance.

10. Memorial House of Mother Teresa: Visit the Memorial House of Mother Teresa, dedicated to the life and work of the renowned humanitarian. Explore the exhibits and gain insight into her inspiring legacy.

Lake Ohrid:

1. Ohrid Old Town: Explore the charming cobblestone streets of Ohrid Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Admire the medieval architecture, visit the ancient churches, and enjoy panoramic views of the lake from the ancient walls. There is a beautiful open-air arena in old town which should not be missed as concerts are held here from time to time.


2. Ohrid Fortress: Discover the ancient Ohrid Fortress, also known as Samuel’s Fortress. Climb to the top for breathtaking views of the lake and the surrounding area. The fortress also houses the Museum of Ohrid, where you can learn about the region’s history.


3. Church of St. John at Kaneo: Visit the iconic Church of St. John at Kaneo, perched on a cliff overlooking Lake Ohrid. This picturesque church is a symbol of Ohrid and offers stunning views of the lake and the surrounding mountains.

4. Bay of Bones Museum: Explore the Bay of Bones Museum, a unique archaeological site located on a platform over the lake. This reconstructed prehistoric settlement provides insights into the ancient culture and daily life of the region.

5. St. Naum Monastery: Take a boat trip to the St. Naum Monastery, located on the southern shores of Lake Ohrid. This beautiful monastery is surrounded by lush greenery and offers a peaceful atmosphere. Don’t miss the chance to take a boat ride to the nearby springs, known for their crystal-clear waters.

6. National Park Galicica: Embark on a hiking adventure in the Galicica National Park, which spans both sides of Lake Ohrid. Enjoy breathtaking views, diverse flora and fauna, and explore the numerous hiking trails that crisscross the park.

7. Ohrid Lake Museum: Learn about the natural and cultural heritage of Lake Ohrid at the Ohrid Lake Museum. Discover the unique ecosystem of the lake, its endemic species, and the importance of its preservation.

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